Friday, December 31, 2010


I was having a hard time thinking of 10 words. It is so hard to remember everything or even just the highlights of such a busy year.

traveling through this
to take time for myself
all the while

Oos, Awes, Rainbows and Satellites. by Colen James Pierson


Oos, Awes, Rainbows and Satellites. by Colen James Pierson May 19 1961- May 23, 2010

Oos, Awes, Rainbows and Satellites.
These things and more may seem strange for a young boy to know.

Oos, Awes, Rainbows and Satellites
A drive in the country, the echo of “are we there yet?”
This lesson is taught to a young boy who himself thought he forgot
These things and more may seem strange for a young boy to know
For a mother’s son to feel to feel enough to know

Oos, Awes, Rainbows and Satellites… These things and more.
A hunt for treasure, somewhere, somehow, someone forgot
Bottles and cans forsaken for junk…
These were the jewels, along our mother we children did hunt
The treasure now is the memory of my mother’s. sigh of” oos awe!”
In the beauty of all that is under the sky.

Oos, Awes, Rainbows and Satellites.
These things and more no longer seem strange for a mother’s son
Now a father with children of his own.

Oos, Awes, Rainbows and Satellites.
This mother’s son remember now the lesion too often forgot
Oos, Awes, Rainbows and Satellites.
These rainbows my mother did give to us not just my sight
She taught us to hide them in our hearts
This and more helped us sleep at night

Oos, Awes, Rainbows and Satellites.
We would drive in Mom’s car chasing the colors in sigh
Believing in our hearts the gold would be ours

Oos, Awes, Rainbows and Satellites.
Instead of movies, carnivals, Disneyland and ice Cream
Like the rainbows at day we chased the satellites by night

Money was hard to find during these times
Again we would get into her car, gasoline then was only few dimes
The light in the night we wanted to find
We would search for the beginning of this bright bean in the sky

All of us in this son’s mother eyes
The light sometimes took us to a market just new or
Often a premier of movie not yet viewed.
All the sights of these, we would all cry..
For candy or plead to our mother “could we please go inside?
Only now does this mother’s son come to know how she
Labored so hard to her reluctant words of “no”

Oos, Awes, Rainbows and Satellites.
Does ma ma know how much the loves grows
In my heart and in the children of my own.

Friday, December 3, 2010

Short winter up date

This is an older video of the girls dancing June 2010
the longer video would not upload :(

Oh how I dislike winter. I am trying to stay busy. Staying active in my moms groups and church activities. We had some friends over for dinner the other night and they just loves my girls. I am so excited for them to be watching the girls  and becoming great friends with them. You guys are just great.( you know who you are)  
Jeremy  has got almost the whole downstairs Sheet rocked. Thanks honey you are the best. Lots more to do. Progress is better then nothing. Sidney's room well be take a little longer due to money. We have had some break- in's in the neighborhood so for Christmas we are investing in a security system. Not to mention we well have a new member of the family some time in January. Pictures to come.
I well update more after Christmas.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Its not FALL,it is Winter 2010

Yep you guessed it fall in Alaska is over for this year. Winter is in full swing. I am starting to get used to it if that's possible. I recently was talking with a friend and she says "even living my whole life in Alaska, winters are still tough". So with that being said I don't ever think it well be easy to live through winters in Alaska. I do on the other had take control and stick to a schedule. I have a mood/happy light. It is a super bright light that I sit in the window. I have this on from the time I wake up at 530am till it gets light 930am and then again as the sun goes down until about 630-7pm. As of today the sunrise is at 858am and the sun set is at 430pm. Here is a link to the local weather and sunrise/sunset.
The next thing I do is work out 4-5 days a week. I do whatever I can when ever I can. If Ashlynn is a sleep I work out. I must pass my Physical Training test for the Guard. It keeps me happy and healthy. addition to working out and being up before the crack of down I take Vitamin D supplements. Wow how much these help. And on occasion I go to a tanning. I also attend as many meetups ( with two groups that I am in (Mat-su Moms, and Valley Attachment Parenting/home schoolers)as much as possible. I have meet some wonderful family's through these groups. On Monday I am attending 2 cookie recipe swaps in one day :). That is how I survive the cold dark winters in Alaska. I have made so many changes in my life. That has helped the whole family. We are eating for our blood types. It has changed how we all fell. I am not sure what blood types the girls are but they eat whatever we eat. I am type A+ and Jeremy is AB. It works out nicely. I tried some tofu recipes but it is not for us. We now eat lots of chicken, turkey and fish. I am eating Gluten free and dairy free. Its hard and expensive. I try my best to save, save, save. I have gotten rid of all skinny clothes and fat clothes. If it doesn't fit its not in my closet. I look and feel better. I have put my faith in God fully and stopped relying on my husband and others to fill my heart. I was getting let down to many times. Amanda is now a better person to live and be around. I am truly blessed.

I can't believe Ashlynn is 15 months old. She amazes me everyday. This is such a fun but trying  (at least on me) age. She has two top teeth poking through the gum's. She has 2 on the bottom about to come through. She gets really cranky now days too. She likes to throw fits and get mad if things don't go her way. She doesn't give up, very persistent. I am learning to ignore these fits. She points at everything and points at herself if she wants something. Most of the time she can not have it but she tries. She is my little miss grabby hands/monkey. She climbs on the table, the couch, you name it she tries to climb it. If you leave it in her reach she well get it. She is always eating but still staying petite like her mommy. =) She is very smart and loves everyone (most of the time). She is sleeping in Sidney's room for now. She is used to it now(after about 3 weeks). She is also not nursing anymore! I was done, I am sure she could have nursed forever. She now drinks a small amount of milk in a cup with a straw and eats most things she is given. She is a blessing everyday.

Sidney is my big helper. She loves helping with Ashlynn,cooking/cleaning etc. most of the time. I never make her help. She has chores she has to do for no pay and she has chores she gets paid for. She is having a hard time understanding saving but she is learning by taking her change to the bank. She is working on naming coins/ and the amounts. She some times has a hard time sharing and living in the same room as Ashlynn but for now that is the way it well stay. She well have her nice new butterfly/horse room hopefully by Christmas. Santa well have it all set up for her. God willing. Sidney is my mini me so we but head sometimes. We have started using a special word for when we start to get frustrated/mad etc. We both just have to remember to use it. She still loves school and especially her teacher Ms. L. She reads like a chap and is doing wonderful on her writing. If you would like a hand written letter let me know she loves to write and receive letters. I love both my girls so very much.

Jeremy is still the love of my life. He works, works and works. To support us. I love him very much for that.  He is not liking his job much right now. He has been giving the leadership role as the lead tech for all the guard members at the c-17 electrical and environmental shop. He is a  leader so he fits well. Its others that don't fit so well with him.I don't understand why people can't work together and not against each other. It is not the way the Air Force should be. To much to write about but if you have ever been in the military you know what I am talking about. The money is the only thing getting him through the work drama right now. As for the house he has not had much time to do lots. Slowly things are getting done. Progress is better then nothing. I will post pics if anything new gets done. ( I lost my digital camera over Halloween  :( so I have to use video camera and they are not that great of quality pictures.) On a good note Jeremy bought a new truck 2 months ago. a 2010 Toyota Tacoma. He loves it. We also paid off my car :). I have the tittle in hand after it being sent to our old address in Spokane.

I Love Alaska and My life. God has given me everything I could ever want and more. He is always Great.

Sunrise: 8:58 AM
Sunset: 4:30 PM

Saturday, November 6, 2010

A better place to read of our life

I thought it was about time I started a blog instead of using Facebook. Our life in Alaska has been adventure filled and crazy but I would not change it for the world. I have learned grown and experience things some people can not or have not had a chance to experience.

The girls are growing up to be Alaska Girls. They are both so bright, energetic and smart. I am so very blessed. Jeremy is just loving being able to raise our girls in the same place he grew up. It has made all the difficulties worth it. I love my life and my family so keep in touch and keep on reading about our lives.