Monday, January 30, 2012

A little about christmas and Lots about January

Dear Santa

Sidney with her Christmas gifts

Ashlynn with her Christmas gifts

Sidney and Ruger in the Christmas spirit

Thanks Grandpa Wayde for the warm hats and sock monkeys

Why not start the year off with a Plunge in to a Freezing Lake (picture taken by Sidney)

Always making me smile

Pantie's for the Big girl

Doing a great job at potty training
A wonderful Christmas and a great start to the year. I only have one question is winter over yet?!?! LOL
 Ashlynn is doing great with potty training and started training on her own. We are so very happy to be out of diapers mostly (except at night). She even does well when we go out.
Sidney has been enjoying her Christmas gifts and karate. And not enjoying be a big sister to a 2 year old. I tell her this to well pass. We all felt this way about our siblings.
Jeremy and I are continuously working on getting the house projects done.  Progress is better then nothing at all. I am very grateful for progress. I ran a 5K this past weekend in -33 degrees. Brrr it was cold but running kept me warm. Thank you to my good friend Suzy for doing this with me and and encouraging me so. I hope to do many more and maybe a full marathon in a couple of years. (pictures to come)

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

My Monthly Goals

Making year long goals are hard to keep. I decided to do monthly ones. So for January my goals are

1. Run
2. spend more time with girls
3. spend more quality time with Jeremy
4. except the things I can not change

2012 is here

The year went by fast again. So many adventures. Here is the start of our Adventures for 2012.

Happy new year (yes its only sparkling soda)

Yum this stuff is good she had to use that shot glass w/ her sparking cider

watching fireworks from here its to cold out side (-10 or so)

She didn't make it to midnight
 I have been addicted to here are some of my projects I found there.
soap dispenser Jeremy helped me with this one

scrap book paper why didn't I think of this before

weekly calender going to switch this to something different since Saturday already fell off
We also got a few other small projects done since Jeremy had a about a week or so off. He hang my kitchen curtin. Makes it so homey now.

And of course I have been baking and cooking again did these yummy cheese cake brownies. I took them to work for the guys and of course hubby took some to his work too.

Snow Ice Cream

yum we made this and it taste good
Book Town

Ruger and a head band

story time for baby, Ashlynn and her baby and a stuff dog what a good big sister Sidney is